So I had my first "doctor appointment" today which was really just a health question appointment with the nurse......not too exciting. I kept a "Belly Book" journal with Bennett and had written in there that at the nurse appointment we also had an ultrasound. I was disappointed to find out this morning that I was not getting an ultrasound done and the nurse explained that they did the ultrasound with Bennett because I had been spotting and since I have had no complications with this pregnancy they would not do an ultrasound until around 17 weeks when we find out the sex. Now I am VERY grateful that I have had no complications but would still have liked to take a peek inside and see what has been going on! :) My next appointment is January 7th at 8:30.
As I have said many times before in my blog I am a planner so......I have decided on both a boy and girl name, for now.....I mean I am allowed to change my mind. For now we have decided on Jameson Gail for a girl (after Chris aka James Christopher and my grandmother Judith Gail who passed away in May) and if a boy the name will be Bayne Christopher (my maiden name is Bayne).
Merry Christmas!
Bennett is.......
Going to be a BIG SISTER!!!! I have had three positive pregnancy tests and it was confirmed at the doctor's office today! I am about four weeks along and the due date is approximately August 10, 2010. We knew we wanted Bennett and her sibling to be about two years apart so decided we better get off BC and start preparing. Little did we know that I am fertile Myrtle and Chris has super sperm! We are very excited and will update as we find out more. Our first appointment is December 21st at 8:30 am.
I'm a FLOWER! (Halloween 2009)
Ear Infections and Pig tails!
Bennett had an ear infection in both ears right before her first birthday. She was on Amoxicillan for 10 days and it seemed to do the trick. On the way to daycare yesterday morning she could not quit coughing (this was the only sign of an ear infection the first time, wierd I know, but that was it, no ear pulling, nothing)so Chris took her to the doctor yesterday at lunch and sure enough another ear infection starting in the right ear. The pediatrician told me sucking on the pacifier would only increase her chances of getting the ear infections but Bennett is ADDICTED and I am not all together sure she nor I can handle sleepless nights again. For now she is on Omnicef for ten more days and still on the pacifier......they need to make a pacifier patch.
On a another note.....Bennett now has enough hair in the back to have mini pig tails! It looks a little funny because she is still pretty bald on top but at least it is a start for people to quit calling her a cute little boy!
On a another note.....Bennett now has enough hair in the back to have mini pig tails! It looks a little funny because she is still pretty bald on top but at least it is a start for people to quit calling her a cute little boy!
Dress Rehearsal
I bought Bennett a penguin costume for Halloween at the end of the season last year and I decided to pull it out last Sunday to make sure it was still going to is already a little tight so we will be shopping for a new one but I got the penguin on video anyway.....Zoe was not quite sure about the penguin....neither was Bennett!!!
Cullen's Debut!

My nephew, Cullen Wright Martin, was born August 16, 2009 at 1:25 PM. He weighed in at 7lbs. 11oz. and was 21 1/4 in. long. And yes, he has red hair!!!! One of my best friends, Brandi Poole, also had her little girl about an hour after Jessica had Cullen. Her name is Merritt Rhys Poole and she weighed 7lbs. 10 oz. Congratulations to all the new parents! We love you!
Back To Work Blues
We had a blast on our beach trip and hated to come back and get back in the work groove! I will hopefully have pictures and videos posted soon. While we were on vacation Bennett learned to play patty cake, learned what a doggy says, and has also learned to call Zoe, although hers comes out Zo. She is definitely getting her own little personality and showed us her first temper tantrum while we were trying to put sunscreen on her last week.
On our way home Saturday we went to my sister's baby shower and on the way down I-26 near Clinton a man in a late 80's BMW came barreling down the interstate in the wrong direction straight towards us! Chris had to swerve over in the right lane and we barely missed a white Volvo beside us! This man did cause an SUV to flip in front of us and the family had to air lifted to a nearby hospital. The drive of the SUV did not make it and his daughter was in critical condition last I heard. The other three passengers had minor injuries. We were at a stand still on the interstate for an hour and a half and everyone was getting out of their cars concerned for the injured family and thinking "that could have been us." The man driving the BMW was arrested and charged with felony DUI.
Before we left for the beach I paid our electric bill that had DOUBLED since last month! We were in a panic trying to figure out what the source of the problem was. When we returned home I noticed something was not right with the hardwood floors in the living room. Chris got under the house and sure water pipe had a hair line fracture in it and has been running nonstop under our house for probably about two months! We are now airing out the crawl space of the house and had the insurance adjuster out yesterday who labeled it "substantial damage"......Can I go back on vacation please??????
On our way home Saturday we went to my sister's baby shower and on the way down I-26 near Clinton a man in a late 80's BMW came barreling down the interstate in the wrong direction straight towards us! Chris had to swerve over in the right lane and we barely missed a white Volvo beside us! This man did cause an SUV to flip in front of us and the family had to air lifted to a nearby hospital. The drive of the SUV did not make it and his daughter was in critical condition last I heard. The other three passengers had minor injuries. We were at a stand still on the interstate for an hour and a half and everyone was getting out of their cars concerned for the injured family and thinking "that could have been us." The man driving the BMW was arrested and charged with felony DUI.
Before we left for the beach I paid our electric bill that had DOUBLED since last month! We were in a panic trying to figure out what the source of the problem was. When we returned home I noticed something was not right with the hardwood floors in the living room. Chris got under the house and sure water pipe had a hair line fracture in it and has been running nonstop under our house for probably about two months! We are now airing out the crawl space of the house and had the insurance adjuster out yesterday who labeled it "substantial damage"......Can I go back on vacation please??????
Bennett at Ten Months
Bennett is now completely off of the bottle. I almost cried when I packed them all away two weeks ago. She is quite picky about her sippy cup though and prefers the Nubby brand. She tried whole milk for the first time yesterday and seemed to like it. She has her four front teeth and "cheeses" constantly to show them off. I caught her monkey climbing up the side of her pack n play Sunday afternoon trying to get in! I guess there was a toy in there she wanted. She can stand by herself if she has a toy in each hand but has not tried to take a step by herself. She will walk if we are holding her hand. She weighs 24 pounds and can wear some of the 24 month clothes we had put up from our showers. She LOVES books and will look at a book in her crib in the mornings when she gets up until Chris and I come in to get her and before she goes to sleep each night. She "talks" constantly and if she thinks you are not listening she will get louder and louder until she has your attention. She is very ticklish and we love tickling her to hear that wonderful belly laugh. She HATES being changed and having to sit still for ANYTHING, especially waiting on her food while in her high chair. She loves to go for rides in the golf cart and pitches a fit to sit in Chris' lap and hold on to the steering wheel and "drive." She is still crazy about the water and we cannot wait for her first beach trip at the end of this month. I cannot get enough of her open mouth slobbery kisses and fall in love with her more everyday!
Grandma Judy
We have had to move my grandmother into a Hospice House in Simpsonville. She has been batteling cancer for about four years now and has not been doing well at all since about Saturday. She has not passed any urine since this past weekend and it is causing toxic levels in her body causing all of her organs to work overtime. The doctors have told my mother all we can do now is wait. Please keep my grandma in your thoughts and prayers. Cancer is a terrible and painful disease and I hope she can have peace soon.
Trying New Things
I have been trying the sippy cup with Bennett at dinner for the past three nights. The first night you would have thought I was killing her! The second night I showed her how mommy could drink from the sippy cup (which she thought was hysterical) and then when I put the cup to her mouth she had no problem! Smart girl! She will hold the cup herself but doesn't quite understand that she has to tip the cup up to get the liquid to come out and then gets frustrated and starts slamming the cup around. I learned really quickly only to put water in the cup while we are learning! We are also now up to one container of veggies and one container of fruit for dinner. I cut out the formula at night and give her water with her dinner since she has become such a little porker!
Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail.....

Just one short funny story:
The blonde in one of the pictures is Olivia, a friend of the family. She is two and a half and she was trying to tell her mom something Easter Sunday and was stuttering over her words. Her mom, Karen, told her to "spit it out" and Olivia actually SPIT! Thank goodness we were eating outside! HA! So cute!
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