Bennett at Ten Months

Bennett is now completely off of the bottle. I almost cried when I packed them all away two weeks ago. She is quite picky about her sippy cup though and prefers the Nubby brand. She tried whole milk for the first time yesterday and seemed to like it. She has her four front teeth and "cheeses" constantly to show them off. I caught her monkey climbing up the side of her pack n play Sunday afternoon trying to get in! I guess there was a toy in there she wanted. She can stand by herself if she has a toy in each hand but has not tried to take a step by herself. She will walk if we are holding her hand. She weighs 24 pounds and can wear some of the 24 month clothes we had put up from our showers. She LOVES books and will look at a book in her crib in the mornings when she gets up until Chris and I come in to get her and before she goes to sleep each night. She "talks" constantly and if she thinks you are not listening she will get louder and louder until she has your attention. She is very ticklish and we love tickling her to hear that wonderful belly laugh. She HATES being changed and having to sit still for ANYTHING, especially waiting on her food while in her high chair. She loves to go for rides in the golf cart and pitches a fit to sit in Chris' lap and hold on to the steering wheel and "drive." She is still crazy about the water and we cannot wait for her first beach trip at the end of this month. I cannot get enough of her open mouth slobbery kisses and fall in love with her more everyday!


Amy said...

No more bottles??? She is getting so big. I need more pictures.
Love to you and the family.

Kara Corbett said...

How cute!!! I can't believe she's 10 months!

The Martin Family said...

Coming to the beach? Making a pit stop in Conway I hope!

Danna said...

We are going to Harbor Island near Beaufort this time. :(

Ashley said...

I can't wait to see her!!! Yeah--pictures! :)