Grandma Judy
We have had to move my grandmother into a Hospice House in Simpsonville. She has been batteling cancer for about four years now and has not been doing well at all since about Saturday. She has not passed any urine since this past weekend and it is causing toxic levels in her body causing all of her organs to work overtime. The doctors have told my mother all we can do now is wait. Please keep my grandma in your thoughts and prayers. Cancer is a terrible and painful disease and I hope she can have peace soon.
Trying New Things
I have been trying the sippy cup with Bennett at dinner for the past three nights. The first night you would have thought I was killing her! The second night I showed her how mommy could drink from the sippy cup (which she thought was hysterical) and then when I put the cup to her mouth she had no problem! Smart girl! She will hold the cup herself but doesn't quite understand that she has to tip the cup up to get the liquid to come out and then gets frustrated and starts slamming the cup around. I learned really quickly only to put water in the cup while we are learning! We are also now up to one container of veggies and one container of fruit for dinner. I cut out the formula at night and give her water with her dinner since she has become such a little porker!
Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail.....

Just one short funny story:
The blonde in one of the pictures is Olivia, a friend of the family. She is two and a half and she was trying to tell her mom something Easter Sunday and was stuttering over her words. Her mom, Karen, told her to "spit it out" and Olivia actually SPIT! Thank goodness we were eating outside! HA! So cute!
More Tricks!
Dianne told Chris when he picked Bennett up from the nursery yesterday that Bennett pulled herself up and stood up inside her play pen three times!!!! She is getting so big! She now has two teeth on the bottom and a third on its way. We are working on "ma ma" and she says it, although I am not sure she knows that is me! She is crawling ALL OVER THE PLACE and of course heads straight to the wall outlet or shoes that were left in the floor! She still absolutely loves bath time and hates having her clothes changed. Zoe has done well in knowing the difference between her toys and Bennett's toys but Bennett.....not so much! She will be surrounded by her own blinking, singing, laughing toys and will head straight to one of Zoe's dirtiest ones and try to put it straight in her mouth. Bennett is eating second stage baby food from a spoon and eats the entire container and drinks a whole 8 oz. bottle at one feeding. She has not found a baby food she does not like but I tried to feed her grits, oatmeal, and mashed potatoes from my plate and she made faces at all three, she even gagged on the mashed potatoes. She is in 18 months clothes now and I cannot wait for it to get (and stay) warmer outside so she can wear some of the adorable summer clothes I have gotten her. She is on her last pack of size three diapers and will then move up to size fours because she is busting the sides open on the three's. I hope her growth spurts slow down now that she is crawling and moving around because I am not exactly sure what size diapers go to......we may have to potty train her before her first birthday! HA!
I will post Easter Pictures soon......I hope!
I will post Easter Pictures soon......I hope!
It's a Boy!
My sister found out this morning that she is having a boy! We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our nephew/cousin!
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