Bennett's first tailgate!
We took Bennett to the game Saturday and she did great! She got to see her Aunt Holly who did a great job with her and then she slept most of the night in her pack n play. This gave mommy some much needed fun time! Bennett is sleeping at three or four hour stretches now, which is awesome compared to the beginning of last week when her nights and days were completely mixed up. I start back to work October 20th and definitely have some mixed emotions about this!!!
2 Week Check Up
Chris and I took Bennett for her two week check up today. She weighs 9 pounds 11 ounces and is 21 1/2 inches long! Everything checked out wonderfully and she is scheduled to go back for her shots on November 12th....poor baby. I am not looking forward to that appointment.
I had to be admitted into the hospital Saturday morning after battling Mastitis since Wednesday. I started feeling bad while shopping with mom and Bennett in Hartsville Wed. afternoon and just chalked it up to over doing it to soon. I knew by Wed. night that was not the case. I called the doctor Thursday morning and they called me in an antibiotic. By Saturday, I still did not feel better and had a temp of 101.3. Chris took me to the ER (doctor's orders) and we waited four hours to be told I would be admitted for IV antibiotics. I was discharged Monday afternoon around 4:30 or so. Needless to say, we are through with breastfeeding and I am so glad to be back home with my Bennett!
I'm A Little Gamecock!
First trip out of the house
First let me apologize to those of you whom I have neglected to call with an update....I am not sure where the day goes! :) Bennett is doing well and is changing every day. Breast feeding is a little harder than I thought it would be and we have now resorted to feeding her two ounces of formula and two ounces of pumped breast milk at every feeding. She is a little pig!!! I was a little nervous because she had not had a poopy diaper since Monday but boy did she make up for that last night and Chris was up with her.....way to break him in, huh? Here is a new pic of our peanut and some Aunt Holly took at the hospital.

The Best Birthday Present Ever!
Bennett Claire Collins graced us with her presence at 12:27 PM, Saturday, Septmeber 6, 2008....on her mommy's 29th birthday! My water broke really late Friday night and we arrived at the hospital at 1:30 Saturday morning. I was in labor for eleven hours and let me just say.....epidurals are a WONDERFUL thing! Bennett weighed in at eight pounds six ounces and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. She had lots of dark hair, her mommy's nose and her daddy's lips, eyes, and FEET!!!! We love her sooo much and are trying to get into a routine at home now. We were discharged from the hospital at 10:30 am Monday morning and within the first 30 min. at home she had to eat and have two stinky diapers changed! Life is in full swing!
How Many cm I have dialated....
.....Zilch, Zero, Nada!!!! The doc did say I have thinned some but still have not dialated at all. So now we wait some more and go back to the doctor Tuesday morning if nothing happens before then! Have I mentioned how MISERABLE I am? AND, apparently I have now formed an awful snoring habit! Chris had to sleep on the couch last night it has gotten so bad! UGH!
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