
Bennett has been moving around a lot more these days and Chris got to feel her move for the first time Wednesday night! I also wanted to post how proud I am of my husband. Chris has lost a little over 30 pounds and still going! He looks great and said he feels a lot better as well. Now I have a lot to live up to after Bennett arrives, huh????


Missy said...

Way to go Chris. Wish I had the motivation.

Leanne B. said...

Danna, I have to tell you, the name you all chose for your daughter has to be one of my favorites! It is absolutely adorable! I love double names. I hope you are doing well! I love keeping up on you and Wendy through the blogging land! It has sort of become an husband tells me I need to find more productive things to do with my time...yes, he thinks I'm a dork! :) Take care!!!