I had some light spotting on Thursday so I called the doctor just to be on the safe side. They asked me to come in for an ultrasound. Chris met me at the doctor's office that afternoon. Thankfully everything was A. Okay! The baby was breached so the ultrasound tech was having a hard time getting a good picture. She said she was "fairly certain" it was a girl but made me promise not to go shopping until after our regular scheduled ultrasound on April 1st. I do not know which is worse, not knowing at all for the next 10 days or thinking you know and not being 100% sure! I am in agony!

OOOHHH.....I'm not an ultrasound tech... but I am pretty sure that is a girl too. I watched an US at my office,it looked just like that. 3 little lines(like hamburger meat, is what someone else said) and when she had her regular U/S.. I was right!!!! So I'm saying thats a little Collins girl too!!!
Look at your baby bump!! A friend of mine at church who is pregnant had on the cutest dress yesterday. She said she got it at TJMax. It made me think of you.
I was thinking about you this weekend and thinking your appt was coming up. I then turned to my mom and said she is having a girl....fingers crossed. Happy to hear that you are okay too~
Love ya!
Love the cute belly. I miss those days.
Girls are soooo much fun! :) (Either way, it's fun...but there is such CUTE girly clothes!) And you look great, by the way! I hope you having so much fun! Just think...in 10 days, you'll know for sure and the planning can begin! That's just the beginning of all the fun ahead!
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