Doctor appointment

I had a doctor appointment this morning. I was told everything was normal and healthy and I am growing just as I need to be. We also discussed the likelyhood of me re-breaking my tailbone during delivery. OUCH! For those of you who do not already know, I broke my tailbone water skiing this past Memorial Day. It was NOT a pleasant experience and one I was hoping to never experience again. Unfotunately, the doctor could not promise me it would not happen again during child birth. On a lighter note, my next appointment is scheduled for March 5th and we will hear the heartbeat again. Our "big" ultrasound appointment is scheduled for April 1st and Chris and I will get to celebrate our boy/girl news later that night at the REO Speedwagon, Def Leopard, and Stix concert in Greenville. Nothing like our little family of (soon to be three) rockin' to Pour Some Sugar On Me! I can't wait! Well, that is all for now...I have to let the guy from Florence Carpet and Tile in to measure our floors for new Hardwoods! The excitement never ends!

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Congratulations! I am not sure how to reply on my site, so I am posting on your's. I got the sling from Target (online). I have a size 2, but probably need bigger. I have a big baby!! So you may want to go a size up. We had the Dr. write down "it's a boy" in a notecard and seal it up. That way Todd and I could open by ourselves later. It was special for us to do that at home in the nursery. Just an idea!! Sounds like everything is going well and I'm sure the baby will love the 80s rock music!