We are still alive......

I promise! I know i have been HORRIBLE at updating this blog since we found out Jameson was on the way but work is well work and I am exhausted when I get home and finally get Bennett in the bed. All I want to do at that point is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but usually end up folding laundry! :)

I had a doctor appointment this morning and Jameson is breeched! They said she will likely not turn at this point because she has NO room to move around. Doc scheduled me for an ultrasound at 2:30 Monday afternoon and if she is still feet first at that point we will schedule a c-section for Monday August 2nd! I am very disappointed but know the doctor is only doing what is best!

Bennett is doing wonderful and has a SASSY little attitude that Chris seems to think she got from me some how!?! ;) She is now in a toddler bed in her new big girl room and the transition was a breeze! Now if we could just get rid of the paci! We have been making her throw away the broken ones and we are down to only two. She still has to have one in her mouth and one in her hand when she goes to bed. Her Aunt Holly gave her a new baby doll at my shower for Jameson and Bennett has to have her at all times. She sleeps with her, eats with her, and we have a melt down every morning when I tell her "my baby" has to stay in the car and cannot go into school with her. She adds "My" in front of everything, so we have "My milk (what she calls EVERY beverage)", "My daddy", "My shoes", "My baby" and "My more" when she wants more of something! :) I bought her some pull ups and a new training potty and she will sit on the potty and say tee tee but has yet to go in the potty. She will let me know she has a bad diaper by pulling at it and saying "Ewww". I think i have created a clean freak (no comments from the peanut gallery) because if she sees even a speck of lint on the rug or grass on the hardwoods she says ewww and cleans it up and throws it in the trash. That's my girl!


Kara Corbett said...

I'm so glad things are going well for you guys! Hey, I'm all about August 2nd!!! My mom had to have me via c-section on August 3rd...so (just saying) good things happen around that time period...haha! In a few weeks Bennett will be saying "My Jameson!" lol! good luck with everything and we look to see yall soon!

joven said...
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The Penny's said...

We are so excited about seeing you guys and meeting Baby Jameson!!! And I am so happy that Bennett loves her doll! How cute!

Love you and see you SOON!