Two Month Check-up
Jameson had her two month check-up on September 30th. Where does the time go? She weighed 10.4 oz. and was 22 1/2 in. long. She has outgrown her newborn clothes and is filling out her three months outfits....she is going to her first tailgate this Saturday and Bennett is going to her first GAME! I am sitting out with Jameson and Bennett is using my ticket to go in with Chris and my mom and dad....I hope she behaves!
Will Power
Why is the last ten pounds of pregnancy weight the hardest to lose? They must be from the Townhouse cheeseburgers and onion rings and not Jameson! :) Hopefully going back to my routine of Smart Ones and running will solve the problem quickly because I have a ton of cute fall clothes I would like to fit into! :)
Two Year Check Up
Bennett had her two year old check up on Wednesday. She is 35 inches tall and weighs 33 1/2 pounds. She had to get her finger pricked which did not phase her in the least but boy did she scream when she had to get her Hepatitis shot! Not fun! She has also moved up to the two year old room at daycare and they are taking bathroom breaks during the day so hopefully we are on our way to becoming potty trained! It will be nice when we only have to buy one set of diapers! She is definitely in the terrible twos and can throw some mean temper tantrums and LOVES to tell mommy no but she is so cute when she does it, it is really hard to punish her but we try to be consistent! We love you Miss B!
Bennett's Second Birthday
Bennett turned 2 Monday! Time sure does fly by! We just had family and some close friends over Sunday night for ribs, pizza, and cake. Chris was in charge of videoing and unfortunately the videos are too long to upload onto this website. My dad took some still photos and I will add some when he emails them to me! Bennett was so excited about her new slide from mommy and daddy, as well as....
*her tea set and table and chairs from Noni and Pop
*dress up clothes and trunk from Mimi and Monkey
*shoes from Monkey
*stroller for her baby doll, peek a boo book, and Little Peoples school bus from
Aunt Holly and Uncle Rob
*Pillow Pet from Aunt Jessica, Uncle Michael, and Cullen
*and her cow bubble machine from Amie and Israel
We all just sat around and watched her play the rest of the evening! Chris and I took her to Edventure on Monday and she was TERRIFIED of Eddie! I have to say that the place looked a lot more fun on the internet than it was in person. I was very disappointed, but we had a good time being with our birthday girl none the less. We stopped off for a happy meal on the way home and was hoping to let her slide some more when we got home but it was pouring down rain, so we had a tea party and watched Shrek 2 instead! Life is good!
*her tea set and table and chairs from Noni and Pop
*dress up clothes and trunk from Mimi and Monkey
*shoes from Monkey
*stroller for her baby doll, peek a boo book, and Little Peoples school bus from
Aunt Holly and Uncle Rob
*Pillow Pet from Aunt Jessica, Uncle Michael, and Cullen
*and her cow bubble machine from Amie and Israel
We all just sat around and watched her play the rest of the evening! Chris and I took her to Edventure on Monday and she was TERRIFIED of Eddie! I have to say that the place looked a lot more fun on the internet than it was in person. I was very disappointed, but we had a good time being with our birthday girl none the less. We stopped off for a happy meal on the way home and was hoping to let her slide some more when we got home but it was pouring down rain, so we had a tea party and watched Shrek 2 instead! Life is good!
Two Week Check-up
Jameson had her two week check-up today and has gained 10 oz. and grown 2 1/2 inches! Wow! Dr. Davis said everything looks great and we go back for her two month (and shots) :( on September 30th. She has a "stork bite" on her forehead that you can usually only see when she gets fussy or hot and Dr. Davis said this would fade over time but will still come out some when she gets mad or has a fever.
Jameson Gail Collins
Jameson decided to make her debut a little early than expected! I woke up with contractions Thursday monring around 1:30 and no matter what I did they would not stop so Chris called his mom to come sleep the rest of the night at our house with Bennett and we headed to the hospital. They monitored me the rest of the night and the contractions were coming every 1 1/2 to 5 minutes apart and when the doctor came to check me at 8 am I was dialated 3 cm. They did another ultrasound to make sure she had not turned and she was born at 8:34 via C section. She weighed in at 8lb. 2 oz. and was 19 in long. She is absolutely beautiful with a head full of black hair and a pretty dark complexion. We came home on Sunday and I don't want to jinx us but the past two nights she has slept from 1 or 2 until 7 or 8! I hope this continues! Bennett loves her and kisses on her all the time. She gets so excited when she wakes up and sees that she is still there every morning!

We are still alive......
I promise! I know i have been HORRIBLE at updating this blog since we found out Jameson was on the way but work is well work and I am exhausted when I get home and finally get Bennett in the bed. All I want to do at that point is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but usually end up folding laundry! :)
I had a doctor appointment this morning and Jameson is breeched! They said she will likely not turn at this point because she has NO room to move around. Doc scheduled me for an ultrasound at 2:30 Monday afternoon and if she is still feet first at that point we will schedule a c-section for Monday August 2nd! I am very disappointed but know the doctor is only doing what is best!
Bennett is doing wonderful and has a SASSY little attitude that Chris seems to think she got from me some how!?! ;) She is now in a toddler bed in her new big girl room and the transition was a breeze! Now if we could just get rid of the paci! We have been making her throw away the broken ones and we are down to only two. She still has to have one in her mouth and one in her hand when she goes to bed. Her Aunt Holly gave her a new baby doll at my shower for Jameson and Bennett has to have her at all times. She sleeps with her, eats with her, and we have a melt down every morning when I tell her "my baby" has to stay in the car and cannot go into school with her. She adds "My" in front of everything, so we have "My milk (what she calls EVERY beverage)", "My daddy", "My shoes", "My baby" and "My more" when she wants more of something! :) I bought her some pull ups and a new training potty and she will sit on the potty and say tee tee but has yet to go in the potty. She will let me know she has a bad diaper by pulling at it and saying "Ewww". I think i have created a clean freak (no comments from the peanut gallery) because if she sees even a speck of lint on the rug or grass on the hardwoods she says ewww and cleans it up and throws it in the trash. That's my girl!
I had a doctor appointment this morning and Jameson is breeched! They said she will likely not turn at this point because she has NO room to move around. Doc scheduled me for an ultrasound at 2:30 Monday afternoon and if she is still feet first at that point we will schedule a c-section for Monday August 2nd! I am very disappointed but know the doctor is only doing what is best!
Bennett is doing wonderful and has a SASSY little attitude that Chris seems to think she got from me some how!?! ;) She is now in a toddler bed in her new big girl room and the transition was a breeze! Now if we could just get rid of the paci! We have been making her throw away the broken ones and we are down to only two. She still has to have one in her mouth and one in her hand when she goes to bed. Her Aunt Holly gave her a new baby doll at my shower for Jameson and Bennett has to have her at all times. She sleeps with her, eats with her, and we have a melt down every morning when I tell her "my baby" has to stay in the car and cannot go into school with her. She adds "My" in front of everything, so we have "My milk (what she calls EVERY beverage)", "My daddy", "My shoes", "My baby" and "My more" when she wants more of something! :) I bought her some pull ups and a new training potty and she will sit on the potty and say tee tee but has yet to go in the potty. She will let me know she has a bad diaper by pulling at it and saying "Ewww". I think i have created a clean freak (no comments from the peanut gallery) because if she sees even a speck of lint on the rug or grass on the hardwoods she says ewww and cleans it up and throws it in the trash. That's my girl!
Long Overdue Easter Picture
In response to Amy's comment.....we will not be redoing the nursery. Jameson will move into the existing nursery and Bennett will move into a new bedroom with "big girl furniture." I ordered this bedding from Pottery Barn for Bennett. It is on back order until the end of April but I hope to have Bennett in her new room by the end of May so she does not think we are booting her out of her room because of the new baby.

It's a GIRL!!!!!
We are having another beautiful little girl! Miss Jameson Gail Collins looks perfect so far and is right on target with a due date of August 13th! Chris is currently looking for night shift work if anyone is hiring! :) He is a little frightened at being outnumbered and more hairbows and shoes but is very excited, even if he did say he was going to the pound to find him another male dog on the way home! I will post ultrasound pictures soon!
Much needed update
Bennett had tubes put in her ears February 4th after a long horrible battle with ear infections since August! She is doing fabulous and is like a different child! She moved up from the toddler class to the "Busy Bees" class last week. I was told it was because she is so "advanced" but only got a laugh from the teacher when I asked if that was the nice way of telling me she was beating up on the other kids. Bennett is very rough and gave a kid a goose egg on his forehead not too long ago while in the nursery at church. I don't think she means to play so rough though, she loves to give hugs and kisses and can be really sweet. I just think she gets the roughness from her daddy (Chris tears flesh off while trying to give massages). My mom lovingly refers to him as "a bull in a china shop." God love him! Anyway, you can now ask, "Bennett, you got your license?" and she will shake her head and say "no, no!" A teacher at the day care taught her this and you have to see it to appreciate how cute it is but it is soooo super adorable to see her do it. She also knows what a duck, dog, and cow says. When we ask her to say Pepper, one of our dog's names, it comes out "Bobby" every time. Not sure what the mix up is there. :) She loves being outside and riding her four wheeler and got a new pair of baby pink cowboy boots this weekend and was all about showing them off to the people in Hobby Lobby, she even had to wear them out of the store with her jogging suit! Fashion statement I must say! I could just eat her up! Here is a picture of her admiring the snow back in February.

And one of her and my dad Sunday before church with her new boots!
And one of her and my dad Sunday before church with her new boots!

NIne Weeks
I had an appointment with the doctor this morning and he said everything is measuring right on target and all my lab work came back fine. I have my next appointment February 4th and he said we will be able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler at that visit. The appointment after that in March is the ultrasound appointment. YAY!!!!
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