Sick Little Girl

Bennett started coughing some late Friday night. Saturday and Sunday was more coughing with an added runny nose. I called the pediatrician Monday morning and was told as long as the congestion in her chest and nose sounded loose just to keep giving her liquids and using the bulb suction. Tuesday morning at about 4:00 she woke up with a very tight cough and horrible wheezing! I felt so helpless not knowing how to help her. I stayed up making sure she was breathing until the pediatrician opened at 8:30. I loaded her up in the pouring down snow (of all days for it snow in the Pee Dee) and headed out. Diagnosis......RSV!!!! We are now doing breathing treatments three times a day for the next five days. Bennett has been a trooper and is still smiling and giggling despite her illness. She screamed like I was killing her during the breathing treatment at the doctor's office due to the face mask, but luckily we got a nebulizer that is shaped like a little penguin (for entertainment purposes) and has a pacifier attachment to make it a little less traumatic for the little ones! She is not allowed to go back to the day care until Monday so Chris and I have each been doing half days at work to try and stay on top of things.....God bless my husband! I love him!


Bree said...

Poor thing....Mommy & Daddy too!

Betsy Marchant said...

Poor thing. We just got over RSV and I know it's tough on mommy and daddy too! I hope Bennett feels better soon!

Kara Corbett said...

awe...i hope she feels better!

USCEmily said...

Poor baby! I hope she gets well soon!

The Martin Family said...

It's tough having to juggle work and staying home with a sick child. I'm glad Chris has a flexible job and it doesn't always have to be you. Kiss Bennett for me and let me know how she's doing.

Amy said...

Aww poor baby!!! I hope she is feeling better and that you are Chris are making it through!!!

The Penny's said...

Hope Bennett is feeling better!!!

Ashley said...

Awe. Poor little Bennett. We'll be thinking of her... :( let us know if we can do anything.