I pulled out my decorations last week thinking that with a new baby it would take me forever to put everything up. However, Bennett has become quite the sleeper and I managed to get all three trees up and decorated as well as all the outside stuff up in a week! Here are some pictures of our three trees and the house from the outside. Bennett has her own pink and lime green decorated tree in her room and loves looking at the lights! I ordered a matching white tree for the dining room since those two windows are on the front of the house and I decorated it in black and silver.....the pictures do not do either tree justice....I was very pleased with how everything turned out!
We went and had Bennett's picture made with Santa Claus on Saturday and then went to have family pictures made. Here are some from the Sears session. I will scan in the picture with Santa when I get a chance!
This video clip was played during our MDT trainig for my job today. I thought it was heart wrenching and was an awesome way to let the public know what Social Services, Law Enforcement, and Child Advocacy Centers such as where I am employeed, are trying so hard to cope with and overcome. The CARE House of the Pee Dee saw over 700 cases of child sexual and/or severe physical abuse last year alone and unfortunately, as soon as this video was finished playing one of the investigators on our team was called to the hospital where a two month old was suffering injuries from child abuse. I held Bennett a little tighter tonight when I got home. Please keep all the unfortunate children in your prayers!
Bennett was fighting sleep BIG time tonight! She refused to lay in her crib or on Chris' chest to sleep. This is how she was the most comfortable! She fell asleep sitting straight up! Too cute!