It was confirmed.....we are having a little Miss Bennett Claire Collins! She weighed a whole 7oz during our visit Tuesday morning and her heart rate was 144. She was sleeping during the ultrasound and the tech asked which one of us slept with our hands above our head (that would be Chris!) because Bennett was sleeping the exact same way! I have not gained any more weight but the doctor was not at all worried! We had the blood work done to check chromosome levels and check for neural tube defects and should get those results back soon. I just finished ordering the crib bedding and Little Miss Bennett will be sleeping in style with her hot pink and green Giggles bedding. Chris and I went this morning on our way back from Greenville (more about the concert in just a bit) to register at Babies R Us....Can we say overwhelming!!!!
The Concert....was awesome....and the fans with their ripped jeans were very entertaining! Bennett will come out singing "I'm Hot, Sticky Sweet, From My Head, To My Feet, Yeah!" She will be such a Diva!