Update on Bennett's Cor Triatriatum and Heart Surgery

We met with Bennett's heart surgeon Monday.  Here is what we know so far.... Dr. Kavarana is a Very nice and knowledgeable man! Bennett will be on heart/lung bypass, she will have 1 drain tube. It will be a 3 hour surgery. She will be in PCICU 1-2 days with average of 5 day over all stay. They will put an IV line in her neck that will allow the doctor to check pressures etc in her heart.. He drew diagrams and went over complications that could arise. Pulmonary hypertension would be major risk if surgery is  not done. Her pressure in her lungs is slightly elevated according to echo done by Dr. Trant. It would be a Riskier surgery if we wait and pressure builds......the right side of her heart is working harder than it should be and over time could cause congestive heart failure if not fixed. He has done five of these surgeries with patients ranging in age from infant to 26. All successful. He was confident Bennett would do well! He is mostly concerned about elevated blood pressure in her lungs immediately after surgery but said they would give her nitrous oxide and a drug with the same active ingredient as Viagra to lower pressure if that happens.....he said 5% chance of it happening in Bennett's case. She will be on morphine for pain and then Lasix and Tylenol with codeine once discharged home with follow up 10-14 days post op.....4-6 week time before returning to full rough house play/school.....

The Frog!

Bennett got a sticky rubber frog in one of her Easter eggs. I left her in the nursery playing to put a load of laundry in the dryer. She comes running into the laundry room yelling something about a frog and then says, "I need show Bennett" (let me show you). She leads me into the nursery and this is what I find!

I then ask her how I am supposed to get the frog down and she says, "We need a letter(ladder)in mommy's room" and leads me to my closet to get my step stool. Stinker!

Quitting Work! (and other updates)

So I had some major New Year news! Chris and I decided over the Holidays that I am going to stay at home with the girls! You could have knocked me over with a feather when he finally gave me the okay! I had not been happy at work for a while and there were SEVERAL things that occurred right before Christmas that pushed me AND CHRIS right to the edge.....so we decided to jump! :) Wish me luck in my NEW JOB!
Hopefully now I can update the blog a little more often....or not, I have been trying to put them both down for a nap for the last forty five minutes and they are both still fighting it!

Jameson will be six months old on the 29th and is growing like a weed! We recently had to take her out of her baby carrier and move her into a "big girl" car seat. Bennett is now in a booster and thinks she is something! Jameson is still not sleeping through the night and Bennett is SO sassy and loves to dance and sing at the top of her lungs. She is OBSESSED with Dora and Diego and we have to bribe her to get her to watch anything else. She has started calling Chris by his name instead of Daddy and he hates it. I think that is why she continues to do it, because she knows she is getting to him. I told her to go tell daddy breakfast was ready yesterday morning and I heard her go in the bedroom and tell him, "Chris come eat." Last night when it was time for bath and to be tucked in to bed she said "I want Chris to do it." Gotta love her! She got a kitchen and power wheel for Christmas and had a blast when it snowed here last week! We pulled her in a wheel barrow that Israel had taken the wheels and handles off of and tied to the back of the golf cart. Chris rode with her but I don't think she was impressed. She had a better time playing on the swing set and slide with the neighbors. I have not had a chance to download Christmas pictures and snow pictures from my camera but will upload them as soon as I can.

Here are some recent pictures that my dad took....

Two Month Check-up

Jameson had her two month check-up on September 30th. Where does the time go? She weighed 10.4 oz. and was 22 1/2 in. long. She has outgrown her newborn clothes and is filling out her three months outfits....she is going to her first tailgate this Saturday and Bennett is going to her first GAME! I am sitting out with Jameson and Bennett is using my ticket to go in with Chris and my mom and dad....I hope she behaves!