Hopefully now I can update the blog a little more often....or not, I have been trying to put them both down for a nap for the last forty five minutes and they are both still fighting it!
Jameson will be six months old on the 29th and is growing like a weed! We recently had to take her out of her baby carrier and move her into a "big girl" car seat. Bennett is now in a booster and thinks she is something! Jameson is still not sleeping through the night and Bennett is SO sassy and loves to dance and sing at the top of her lungs. She is OBSESSED with Dora and Diego and we have to bribe her to get her to watch anything else. She has started calling Chris by his name instead of Daddy and he hates it. I think that is why she continues to do it, because she knows she is getting to him. I told her to go tell daddy breakfast was ready yesterday morning and I heard her go in the bedroom and tell him, "Chris come eat." Last night when it was time for bath and to be tucked in to bed she said "I want Chris to do it." Gotta love her! She got a kitchen and power wheel for Christmas and had a blast when it snowed here last week! We pulled her in a wheel barrow that Israel had taken the wheels and handles off of and tied to the back of the golf cart. Chris rode with her but I don't think she was impressed. She had a better time playing on the swing set and slide with the neighbors. I have not had a chance to download Christmas pictures and snow pictures from my camera but will upload them as soon as I can.
Here are some recent pictures that my dad took....