We had a blast on our beach trip and hated to come back and get back in the work groove! I will hopefully have pictures and videos posted soon. While we were on vacation Bennett learned to play patty cake, learned what a doggy says, and has also learned to call Zoe, although hers comes out Zo. She is definitely getting her own little personality and showed us her first temper tantrum while we were trying to put sunscreen on her last week.
On our way home Saturday we went to my sister's baby shower and on the way down I-26 near Clinton a man in a late 80's BMW came barreling down the interstate in the wrong direction straight towards us! Chris had to swerve over in the right lane and we barely missed a white Volvo beside us! This man did cause an SUV to flip in front of us and the family had to air lifted to a nearby hospital. The drive of the SUV did not make it and his daughter was in critical condition last I heard. The other three passengers had minor injuries. We were at a stand still on the interstate for an hour and a half and everyone was getting out of their cars concerned for the injured family and thinking "that could have been us." The man driving the BMW was arrested and charged with felony DUI.
Before we left for the beach I paid our electric bill that had DOUBLED since last month! We were in a panic trying to figure out what the source of the problem was. When we returned home I noticed something was not right with the hardwood floors in the living room. Chris got under the house and sure enough......hot water pipe had a hair line fracture in it and has been running nonstop under our house for probably about two months! We are now airing out the crawl space of the house and had the insurance adjuster out yesterday who labeled it "substantial damage"......Can I go back on vacation please??????